I am part of the KDA because I support my brother-in-law and his two brothers in their quest to find a cure for a disease they live with every day, Kennedy's Disease, a rare form of MD.  I chose KDA because of all the tremendous things they do for the families they serve. I hope you'll do the same.

Make your muscles 

work for something good!

The defect is in the ‘X’ Chromosome and it makes testosterone almost a poison to his body. Since there is no treatment or cure for this defect, he will grow up not knowing when the disease will begin to attack his motor neurons and muscles. Often it begins with painful cramping and uncontrollable muscle spasms. Over time it will attack most of his muscles often making it difficult to even swallow liquids.

As the disease progresses, the motor neurons will begin to die and the muscles will waste away. Eventually, he will most likely require a wheelchair to move around and possibly even a neck brace to hold his head up. Many will be forced into early retirement and almost every one of them will worry about the financial welfare of his family. Pneumonia will become as feared to him as any disease because of his inability to clear the lungs of phlegm. If he becomes a father, he will live with the knowledge (and often with feelings of guilt) that his daughters are carriers of the defect and will pass it on to future generations of his family.

The disease is Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy; more commonly known as Kennedy's Disease.



About Kennedy’s Disease:

Every few days a baby boy is born with this DNA defect